war/war/war Theatre
war/war/war is a collective of artists that is ever shifting.
Our aim; to create with the world around us.
We believe everything we encounter has the potential to inspire- from people to an old back alley. We want to collaborate with the hidden corners of the world and remind ourselves of the magic in the mundane.
We aim to change the world one person at a time; to remind people of the wonder bursting from every nook and cranny, to encourage adults and children alike to explore.
We are particularly interested in creating with those who may not consider themselves 'artists’. We are interested in the unique perspective of YOU. Nobody else can ever make the same art you can, and to us that's exciting.
To make any difference in the world, we believe you have to start small. Start with yourself. With those around you. Start by making something bad. Then just keep on going.
war/war/war was formed in 2019, and are currently based in Galway City, Ireland.
We want to explore war in it's every shape and form. We want to create. We want to be kind.
war/war/war aims to create work that engages with the difficulties and successes of humanity. We do not want to judge- we want to empathize. We want to create as means of connecting: as a means of understanding the intrinsic connection linking us together.
We believe that micro and macro actions are fundamentally intertwined, and so we aim to change the world through the micro. Through a better understanding of ourselves and those around us. Should we fail to understand, we aim to accept that too.
We are curious about the world. We are curious about ourselves. We are curious about you. We want to understand. We want to care, and we hope that you will too.